The cover of the vocabulary book that accompanied the storybooks.

Covers of some of the 12 storybooks. Several different illustrators provided the illustrations; I designed the format and layout. Silhouette icons on the covers reinforced the theme of each book.

Some of the coloured/paterned 'wallpaper' designs, colour coded by language level and showing motifs from the different themes. These were used throughout the set of books and materials as a visual guide for the user.

The playcards were bordered by the 'wallpaper' designs, according to theme and level, and featured stock photos.

The playboard folded out to form a large activity mat.

The interior of the songbook, including some of the 'action' illustrations in context.

A selection of just a few of the 112 or so thumbnail drawings to illustrate the songs in the 'Songbook', drawn from reference photos of a model acting out all the poses/actions from the songs.

The covers of the three supporting parents' guide books.